Whatever the cause of fire damage, we work with homeowners, property managers and claims adjusters to put your property properly and promptly back in order.

American Cleaning & Restoration South arrives promptly on site once a fire is extinguished – usually within 12 to 48 hours.

We believe it is essential to begin assessing the fire damage as soon as areas of the home, office, school or any other building damaged by fire are released by fire inspectors. We also maintain effective lines of communication with claim adjusters while responding to concerns and questions from homeowners and property managers.

For someone experiencing a fire related property loss, our job is to provide those answers, as well as comfort and reassurance. Our goal is to provide a clear understanding of the process while reducing the possibility of disconcerting surprises.

How we can Help?

Contact Us

Working with claim adjusters and homeowners/property managers, we:

  • Develop a Plan of Action
  • Establish a timeline for fire restoration services
  • Begin the fire restoration process

Fire restoration services can include any or all of the following:

  • Demolition, as required, in fire damaged areas
  • Structural cleaning of fire damaged areas
  • Content manipulation (packing possessions, moving furnishings, etc.)
  • Building encapsulation
  • Establishment of a negative air chamber to exhaust fire-contaminated air from the building
  • Cleaning elements from fire damage and fire extinguishing
  • Structural deodorization
  • Water mitigation from extinguishing a fire

Whether an electrical fire, a grease fire in a kitchen or a fire started by any other cause, American Cleaning & Restoration South works with homeowners, property managers and claims adjusters to put your property properly and promptly back in order.

Before and After Samples of Our Work

Click on the images to view a larger version of the photo. You can also visit our Before and After page for more examples of our restoration work on all types of damage.

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